
Vierny Partners Operations

How much are the fees of an independent asset manager? Do his services represent an additional cost?

From Xavier Prieto,

This article in two parts is available under “public access”. Second part (see part one) A truly independent asset manager should not belong to any financial group and should be paid exclusively by his clients. This is the case at…

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Vierny Partners Operations

Post tenebras lux: after opacity, transparency!

From Xavier Prieto,

This article in two parts is available under “public access”. First part. Any investor reaching a certain level of assets on his account moves from being in the shade to being overexposed to light. Indeed, a small saver is almost…

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Vierny Partners SA to present at Amazon AWS Summit

From Alain Depuydt,

Vierny Partners SA has been selected to present its “Customer Use Case” at the Amazon Web Services Summit to be held in Baden, Switzerland, on the 2nd of October 2019. Vierny Partners SA is proud to have been recognized by…

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Vierny Partners Operations

Information technology and digital strategies @ Vierny Partners

From Alain Depuydt,

This article is offered under “public access”. Investors have always expressed tremendous interest in investing in the latest technology. How to avoid the hype and short-lived would-be players? How to identify blockbusters like Netflix and Twitter early on? It is…

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Asset Management

You cannot avoid market volatility but you can embrace it

From Alain Depuydt, Ramon Voegeli,

This article is offered under “public access”. In our previous article “Investment success starts by setting an adequate target return”, we advocated an active approach to investing: keep a low exposure to markets during most of the time and increase…

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Asset Management

Investment success starts by setting an adequate target return

From Alain Depuydt, Ramon Voegeli,

This article is offered under “public access”. The corporate world introduced the term “stretch goal” long ago. The idea is simple enough: fix an ambitious target, for example double revenue in 5 years, become world leader in one particular product…

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